Bringing out your glow!
Hello and welcome! Congratulations on being a birthworker and feeling ready for new portraits! Every birthworker deserves to shine and I absolutely love capturing the essence of the work and bringing out one's glow!
Welcome Midwives, Birth Doulas, Postpartum Doulas, Massage Therapist, Workshop Trainers and Teachers, Sacred Birth Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation Workers, Breastfeeding Consultants, Rebozo Teachers, Dancing for Birth instructors, Prenatal Yoga instructors, even Doctors, Nurses and full Midwifery offices! Let's get started!
I am currently taking clients & have recently upgraded my equipment and am taking a refresher course as I build my Birth Photography portfolio. I have experience as a birth doula and documentary video producer and am now moving into birth photography in NY, NJ, & CT as well. Please contact me via the form below. I look forward to speaking with you!
What is included in your package?
Phone/online consultation to discuss your wish list, where you can send me existing photos and explain what you do and do not prefer and what qualities you wish to project, (if you are not sure, I can help with that too! ), 2 hour photo session, 25-40 edited photos of you and your work, photo files shared via file sharing or CD within 4-6 weeks. Please note that these are not headshots but rather portraits (more documentary style) of you and your work.
I like your photos & want to chat, how do we proceed from here ?
Please contact me to schedule a photo session. If you decide to hire me, I will ask you to complete an agreement and provide a 50% deposit to book my services.
What is my investment?
Currently I am working at reduced rates as I upgrade my equipment and build my portfolio. In order to receive this reduced rate, we will need to agree that atleast 1-2 photos (of your choice) can be used to build my portfolio.
INVESTMENT for May & June: I am currently booking a limited number of Birthworker Portrait Sessions at $225 for May & June only. After June my rates will increase.
You may pay via Paypal (fees apply) or Cash/Check. If you are receiving discount, please mention before paying so I can apply for you. Thank you.
What geographical areas do you cover?
I am located near Morristown, NJ and will travel up to 45 miles in New Jersey (NJ) as far south as Trenton, Eastern Pennsylvania (PA) Lehigh Valley, Westchester/Rockland Counties New York & NYC (NY), & SW Connecticut (CT).
Will my photos remain private?
To receive the reduced rate, I ask that atleast 1-2 photos (of your choosing) can be added to my portfolio. If you are paying full rate then yes, they will remain private. I will provide you with a private file of photos plus a file of watermarked photos for social shares. If full rate/private, I may also ask you if I can share certain photos on my website or facebook page and you can either agree or decline - completely up to you! You may have seen a photo you liked that inspired you to contact me, so the same may be true for future visitors.
What is your style?
I will aim to capture some key moments and visuals of you working. I also will try and find perspectives and angles that speak to your experience. I do not prefer the harsh glare or flash (or the intrusive noise) but find it is often necessary, so I will try to shoot using existing light. I will shoot in color but some photos may be edited to black and white since oftentimes this helps focus the image as well as mask blood and metal and other elements, in the birthing space, that you may not wish viewers to focus on.
What are we seeing in the Gallery?
I have recently upgraded my equipment - the photos you see on my site were taken on a smaller camera. I will be learning new technology but what I already know is that having a quiet professional presence at birth, capturing moments to bring out your glow!
Sign-up for my quartlerly enews & Receive 10% discount towards Birth Photography Sessions PLUS access to "If Babies Were Mercedes" Teaching video just for signing up! Sign-up now.
I look forward to talking with you soon as we explore your vision and bring out your glow even more!